Saturday 26 July 2014

Universitas sedis sapientiae

This simple motto - "Universitas sedis sapientiae is associated with Sophia University in Japan, which was founded by the Jesuits in 1913.  It means: university of the seat of wisdom.

Interestingly, the phrase "sedes sapientiae" is a devotional title of Mary the mother of Jesus meaning simply seat of wisdom and also a type of icon.

sedes, -is (f) seat

sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum  to sit

Thursday 24 July 2014

Stars & Constellations

The stars of the main asterism within each constellation have been assigned Greek letters usually in approximate order of their brightness.  (This is known as Bayer designation, after Johann Bayer who introduced it in his1603 star atlas Uranometria.)  Thus the brightest star in the constellation Orion can be called Beta Orionis and Alpha Orionis respectively, although they are better known as Rigel and Betelgeuse.

The interesting point for the study of Latin is that each constellation has a Latin or New Latin name, and the stars are designated using the genitive case of the constellation's name.  For example:

Libra - The Scales,  Alpha Librae
Taurus - The Bull,    Alpha Tauri (Aldebaran)
Leo - The Lion,  Alpha Leonis (Regulus)

Where the constellation name is plural, the same rule applies.

Gemini - The Twins,  Beta Geminorum (Pollux)
Pisces - The Fishes,   Alpha Piscium

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Nihil impossibile erit vobis

"Nihil impossibile erit vobis" is the motto appearing on bank notes issued by Ulster Bank.  It means simply: "Nothing will be impossible for you."